During the Week

At LifeKIDS we partner with parents and families to help raise the next generation to become followers of Christ.

  • We believe that consistency and a solid foundation in the ways of God set families up for lifelong influence and impact. 

  • Children from as young as a few months old to young people in High School have opportunities to grow relationships with each other and with God. 

For Kids

  • LifeKIDS Friday outreach services from 4:30pm are for students from Reception to Year 5. Bus pickup and drop-off available. For more information please contact jacob@life.house

  • LifeKIDS Sunday services run in conjunction with adult services at 10am each week, encouraging all ages from a few months old to students finishing year 8.

    In each of our age appropriate services for children and young people, there is an element of singing, media content, small group discussions and playtime/fun activities.

    We use curriculum from a variety of Pentecostal sources including our very own material. We cater for children with special needs who integrate with the main children’s service and activities as much as possible.

    The age groups we cater for and minister to are:

    Babies and Toddlers

    We love to partner with young parents that need a bit of space as well as respite when it comes to their tiny treasures. Whenever parents or carers are ready to have one or more of our trusted and screened with the WWCC leaders to care for their treasure during the service, we are more than ready. If there needs to be a little sensitivity and spurts for a few weeks is needed, then we are flexible to accomodate that also.


    This is such an exciting and exploratory age, and we have space and facilities to cater for this. We have free play time, singing and dancing, story time, memory bible verses, activities and time to play outside in our new playground. We also make sure we accommodate your little one’s dietary needs and give them snacks to eat during the service. Clean hands, Happy tummies, fun day!!

    Junior Primary

    Situated in ‘The Shed’ across our bitumised car park, students in Reception til year 5 gather together and hold their own worship service, where the older students from junior high and those from this age bracket, join in a kids worship band and lead the young people in an interactive and relevant service where children and young people will learn practical lessons for life, as well as memorise helpful Bible verses. This is also an important time to build stronger friendships for your young person.

    Junior High

    Adjacent to ‘The Shed’ is another room that houses students from year 6 to year 8 and this is where many long lasting friendships have been formed and many real and relevant issues have been discussed. Knowing that you belong and feel included is such an identifying necessity at this age and we do our best to encourage truthful and honest friendships with peers as well as our trusted leaders.



House Youth

Running every Friday night from 6:30pm - 8:30pm during the school term, House Youth is the place to be for all teenagers in years 6-12!

At House Youth we love to hang out, have fun, praise hard and learn more about Jesus!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Ps Jacob Gollasch | jacobg@life.house

LifeKIDS Junior High

Adjacent to ‘The Shed’ is ‘The Den’ that houses students from year 6 to year 9 every Sunday morning. This is where many long lasting friendships have been formed and many real and relevant issues have been discussed. Knowing that you belong and feel included is such an identifying necessity at this age and we do our best to encourage truthful and honest friendships with peers as well as our trusted leaders.

Ps Brock Smith | brock@life.house

Thursdays 10am-Noon

Join us for free coffee and morning tea in The Hub.

Jodie Wegener | jodie@life.house


Groups meet fortnightly in the afternoon or evening in various locations

Ps Belinda O’Callaghan | bel@life.house


Young Adults LifeHomes

LifeHomes for 18 to 30 year olds

Choo-Lee Long | clong@life.house

For Men

LifeMen Bible Study

Tuesdays 10am
Ps Walter Harris | walter@life.house


Morning tea, study and small groups

Tuesdays 10am
Jenny Pallon | jenny@life.house

For Women